Chip in $10


Whereas:        The Radical Left has filed over a dozen gun control bills in the first week of session, bills that would destroy the Second Amendment here in Florida; and 

Whereas:        Universal Gun Registration is the foundation to gun confiscation because it creates a centralized database of every gun and gun owner; and

Whereas:        “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws are the destruction of due process rights because they give liberal judges the power to order a citizens firearms confiscated without a conviction of a crime in a court of law; and

Whereas:        Banning AR15’s and semi-automatic firearms is a direct attack on the Second Amendment’s purpose, which is a check and balance on tyrannical government;

Therefore:      As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on the bills above. Florida Gun Owners will keep me informed on your votes.

Once you’ve signed your petition, chip in to FGO’s effort to mobilize the gun vote against these gun-grabbers!